Through classes he was doing,J got to know a Japenese girl called Namo(Not actually her real name ,but its very similar).J was ,as youd expect ,confident he was onto a good thing,especially when he went out for a drink with her.But his mood of confidence was short lived.He complained that he walked her all the way home,and she dident invite him in,leaving poor old J walking home alone.He just couldent understand it.,,Youd think she,d want to ride an Irish guy,,he complained.A couple of more dates followed with the same result.He was particulerly irked that he had to pay for everything on these encounters,The,,stupid bitch,,never putting her hand in her pocket.He also developed a habit of whenever she came up in conversion of exlaiming loudly in an attempt at a comical Japenese accent,,Namo!Namo!.He was very pleased with this display of wit,and the amount of times he did it really began to grate. He made one final attempt to get his way with her,when my birthday came up i held a small party in a pub.J invited her along and as hed already had a couple of cans at my place,he was kind of unsteady on his feet.At the bar,he got more drunk and then started his clumsy attempts at courtship.He was sitting next to her and kept putting his arm around her and trying to kiss her,while she kept drawing away from him to to shield his advances.Now,Namo certainly couldent be described as goodlooking.She was small,with glasses,and had prominent buck teeth which were stained yellow from coffee.J unvelied his master plan,,Namo,I love you,you know i do,,he declared loudly.He obviously decided this wasent enough and turned to one of the guests,,Shes the most beautifull girl in the world,isint she?,,The embarresment felt by everyone in the bar wasent felt by our hero.Before long his low tolerance for alcholol rendered any further wooing impossible and he had to be supported home. So ,Js charisma and unique way with the ladies had once more not produced any favourabl results.I wonder why?
I like your writing! You definitely have a 'voice' - keep it up! I'll be back...
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Interesting stuff! I'll be checking in on occasion!
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